0408 899 875
Secure Paws & Claws
Positive Dog Training & Behaviour Specialist
K9PATs Assistance Dog Trainer & Assessor
Certified Dog & Cat Groomer
Welcome to Secure Paws & Claws
Business Owner Louise SDC & Pro Dog Trainer
Professional & Certified Positive "Force Free" Dog Training & Behaviour Specialist,
K9PATs Certified Positive Reinforcement Assistance Dog Trainer SDC &
Assistance Dog Public Access Test Assessor (WA Govt.)
Certified Dog & Cat Groomer & Certified Pet Aromatherapist
As a Certified Positive Reinforcement Assistance Dog Trainer, and Certified Positive Dog Training & Behaviour Professional we have a training strategy for every struggle!,..our training combines general dog obedience with fun game strategies, that build a dog's confidence, resilience, focus, calmness and trust, optimising a dogs ability to learn and maximising positive relationships, turning struggles into strengths. We specialise in 'Positive' Dog Training & Behaviour and Mobile Dog & Cat Grooming services. Our methods are based on the latest Scientific Research, using only 'Positive Reward Reinforcement' and 'Force Free' Dog Training practices and a member of the international and Australian Pet Professional Guild. Underpinning all our services is extensive experience working with dogs and cats, ongoing Professional Development, and University, Diploma, Cert IV and Certificate Qualifications, including Investigative Practices. With these skills we guarantee our Services are Professional and Exemplary, particularly in establishing the right Positive Behaviour Modification Programs. We also assist dogs who are nervous, anxious and/or aggressive when being groomed by incorporating Positive Canine Coaching into the Grooming experience. As a complimentary and additional support, we use therapeutic grade essential oils and treatments.
Remember our motto - Reward for Calmness & Be Pawsitive!
Canine Reactive Behaviour
Advanced Certification
Fear is an Involuntary Bodily Response
We Can 'Positively' Assist With
'Canine Reactive Behaviour'
With Our Key Strategies
Manage & Prevent Rehearsal
Distance Them From the Trigger
Give Them a Break For a Few Days
Implement a Calming Protocol
Reactive Dog Rehabilitation Program
Dog Grooming - Anxious, Fearful or Aggression Concerns
Our Dog Grooming Services combined with 'Positive Reinforcement' practices can greatly reduce a dogs level of fear and anxiety on the grooming table. We also assist dogs with aggression issues and highly encourage their owners to assist throughout the groom to provide a comforting support and reassurance. With all our grooming services we provide positive reinforcement rewards and welcome clients assistance, particularly with puppies first grooms and our Grooming Training Services.
As the business owner of K9PATs I am a Certified Positive Reinforcement Assistance Dog Trainer and Public Access Test (PAT) Assessor for the WA Govt. DLGC, and committed to using only science based Positive Dog Training and Behaviour methodology. I have a formal education in Service Dog Coaching SDC a specific qualification in working with people with disabilities training their own Assistance Dogs. I can also temperament test potential assistance dogs, recommend and train unique tasks for a clients disability, public access train and I have a thorough understanding of the Assistance Dog Laws in Western Australia.
K9PATs www.k9pats.com
Pet Professional Guild Australia & International Dog Training Professional & International Membership
The Pet Professional Guild (PPG), is an international organisation for compassionate "Force-Free" Pet Professionals, who put the well-being of pets first and foremost, and our principles are based on the latest scientific research. As a member I am supported and guided by like-minded industry professionals that share a common ethical belief and commitment to "no harm" Dog Training Practices.
It is time to say No! - No To Shock, Prong, Choke, Pain, Fear & Force.
Dog & Cat Grooming
As groomers we do so much more than just clipping dog's & cat's coats and trimming nails, we often notice physical and/or behavioural issues that may be of a concern, including skin conditions, flea infestations, postural discomforts, and infections. With over 35 years professional experience handling cats & kittens, growing up in a family of Registered Cat Breeders of Persians, Exotics and Munchkins. we specialise in full and part clipping of cat coats and a nail trimming service. We also provide grooming services for Dogs, including nail clipping and gland expression. Positive Canine Coaching is included to assist dogs who are nervous, anxious and/or aggressive when being groomed. As a complimentary and additional calming support, we use therapeutic grade essential oils and treatments. If your dog or cat is experiencing a change in its behaviour or showing any signs of discomfort please give us a call.

Pro Dog Trainer Certified
& Diploma in Positive Canine Coaching
Our Dog Training Principles:
Fun Concept Games & Obedience
Positive Reward-Based Training
Based on Current Scientific Research
Builds Confidence,Trust, Focus, Resilience, Calmness & Optimism
Alleviating Stress & Over Arousal
Enriching Human-Dog Relationships
Learn How to Speak Dog & Know What They are Really Thinking
Positive Behaviour Modification
Improves Health & Well-Being
K9PATs Certified Assistance Dog Trainer & PAT Assessor WA Govt DLGC